Friday 18 November 2011

Sprucing up for the Parade!

Hi all!

I have been wanting to look good for my arrival in Ft. Lauderdale. When I woke up in West Palm Beach I wanted to get fit for a new suit. And for a tugboat, that means a new paint job. The friendly people at Cracker Boy Boat Yard were more than helpful getting me ready for the last leg of my journey. They had a lift to get me out of the water, and allow for the crew to get some work done on me below the water line! It felt good to get out of the water for a few days, and have some old barnacles and mussels scrubbed off, a good sanding, and some much needed paint after a 1600 mile trip.

The yard was full of boats, from small motor boats to some of the fastest sailing boats in the waters. I was excited to talk to the other boats and exchange stories on our recent adventures. They were getting just as much care from their crew as I was! In just a few days my crew was able to spruce me up, and I am now ready for my big debut in Ft. Lauderdale. Tomorrow I am happy to get back into the water and the environment I'm more use to!

I am going to stay the weekend in West Palm beach as the crew prepares for me to arrive in Lauderdale. I am getting very excited and the crew says it seems to be all I can talk about! My confidence is definitely up now that I am dressed and looking my best... Now if only the crew good look that good. I wish everyone well back at home. I will represent Halifax well!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. That photo is hilarious! Theodore looks surprised to be up in the air!
